星期二, 七月 26




Sick again

Last Thursday just recovered from cough and now, cough again...

I don't understand why? And how?

I didn't drink a lot of cold water, didn't eat a lot of ice cream but why the cough hit me again, and it's worst than the previous.

During the past weekend, I went to do yoga on Saturday morning with Pamelia. Then we have a very light meal, we shared a 6 inch Subway sandwich with roasted chicken breast and lots of veggie. Then I went for my dental appointment and she went for her message. After that, we went to Iluma for ramen, then home.

Reached home at about 3 plus, took a nap and ready to leave home to Peter's house at 5 pm. Reached his house at 5:50 pm. Chatted with Jia Ying while Peter went to collect the foods he ordered. And then wait for Jason to arrive. Peter bought clay pot rice with two other dishes. We ate, chat and left his house at 7:30 pm and proceed to Indoor Stadium for Fish Leong's concert. Yes, that was my first time to her concert. I do enjoy her songs very much. But before this concert, I don't really know about her. I even gave away some free tickets when I received from M1 when I signed up mobile contracts with them. Until quite recently I download some of her songs. Then her songs impress me and so I decided to pay for her concert and I'm glad that I went. On the same time, Yee Leong, Gor gor, Ah Long, Ni is celebrating Alvin's birthday somewhere in Geylang. They went for clay pot frog leg porridge. After the concert, we joined them at Tantric. Except Ni, the rest were all there. Alvin bought me a bottle of beer. And we left the pub at about 1:30 am. When I reached home and gone to bed it was at 2 am. 

Sunday I slept till 10:10 am. Woke up and have breakfast with English Breakfast tea. Breakfast was some fried stuff that mom bought from the coffee shop in the neighborhood. Then I did some stretching in my room with the yoga mat that received from Pure Yoga when I introduced a friend to join. Haven't been practicing at home so now starting... Lunch was fried bee hoon with bai guo lian zi tang. Then watched TV program, play iPad games etc. And have some ice cream, apple chips, and drank a cup of yuzu tea. Dinner was brown rice with curry fish, green veggies, and lotus roots with lotus seeds's soup. And sigh... the cough came back little by little until Monday. When I reached office, it became worst. And at 11 plus, I decided to visit the doctor. He gave me few kinds of medicine and MC unexpectedly. Then I left office at 2 pm to rest. I took the medicines and relaxed myself. After dinner I took another time of the medicines and the cough syrups. The cough syrups will make me sleep, but I got up 4-5 times in the night to pee. 

The next day (which is today) I got bad headache and whole body like no strength though I still go to work. During the journey to office, I kept perspiring. When reached office, I didn't cough at first, until 11 plus, I kept coughing like hell. My supervisor advised me to take a half day to rest. At first I still considering coz there's a meeting in the afternoon. But my headache getting worst. So I decided to take the rest.